Mix-media collages about art and fashion
Mixed media collage
Ah, Carl,
While you are not safe I am not safe
Allen Ginsberg
Pier Paolo Pasolini tribute
Che io possa esser dannato
se non ti amo
e se così non fosse
non capirei più niente
tutto il mio folle amore
lo soffia il cielo
lo soffia il cielo
Domenico Modugno
Thanks to The British Library for their beautiful resources
We sail through endless skies
Stars shine like eyes
The black night sighs
The moon in silver trees
Falls down in tears
Light of the night
The earth, a purple blaze
Of sapphire haze
In orbit always
Black Sabbath
Red Sun On
The horizon line.
It's pure delight.
As The night falls upon my eyes
I am running wild.
When there's none to hold me tight
I seek the light.
Red Sun On
The horizon line
I am short of time.
The shadows here before my eyes
Still I am full of light
The heart among
The heart of man
Can you hear the sound?
The sweet echoe though the yard
The sweet echoe through the land
It's making that sound
It's touching the ground
Now it's reaching for the sky
A todos los que quiero y son apasionados de un deporte que yo no entiendo
A Virginia Peña
Intervención sobre imágenes antiguas encontradas
El desierto es un viernes de agosto